Carbon Footprint ??

Carbon Footprint ??

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lompoc Donuts!

So, my partner and I havent contacted our local business to get their information. We will soon and go talk to them on how they can improve the carbon footprint in many ways.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Step 1

So, my partner Amargiete and I decided today to do Lompoc Donuts on our project. We still have to call them to see when we can meet with them to get information and also give them our ideas on how they can improve the carbon footprint.

The Project !

Today, my chemisrty teacher gave us a project on the carbon footprint. the project is to go to a local business and ask them questions about energy and or transportation and therfore present the project to our class. I am very excited to do this because i can give ideas to our local businesses on how they can reduce the carbon footprint in many ways and start imroving our planet!!


After seeing a video in our chemistry class about the carbon footprint, I've now realized how much water and electricty we use. So this weekend, I tried to use less electricity and water as less as posible. I also walked all over my town instead of using my car. For me this is very hard but, I feel this is worth it . So, people please start wasting, and start saving now !!

Carbon Footprint ??

Carbon Footprint :is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc.